and everything crooked will become straight
Dorine Aguerre, Miles Joseph, Lucie Rachel, Josie Rae Turnbull, Jane Topping
17 March 2016, 6–9pm
Peña (with live performance from Expert Group)
Peña (with live performance from Expert Group)
18 March 2016, 7–9pm
CCA Glasgow (Scott St. Alley)
CCA Glasgow (Scott St. Alley)
19 March 2016, 7–9pm
The Glad Cafe
The Glad Cafe

Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you. – Friedrich Nietzsche, unpublished fragments dating to November 1882 – February 1883.
For its third instalment, Transit Arts’ roving screen presents a selection of moving image work by Dorine Aguerre, Miles Joseph, Lucie Rachel, Jane Topping and Josie Rae Turnbull. With narrative film the dominant aesthetic, these artists choose a more transgressive approach: bending, rearranging, and rewriting the record. Momentarily, the screen becomes a palimpsest of ideas and images, stories overlaid and erased. Found footage is repurposed, the mise-en-scene dismantled, new realities are constructed, and old ones buried.
The project is accompanied by a new publication including contributions from Marcus Jack, Denise Bonetti, Jane Topping, and Stephen Nelson.
Presented as part of Glasgow Short Film Festival 2016 in partnership with Peña, CCA Glasgow, and The Glad Café.
︎Miles Joseph, Remediation, 2010. SD video, 4 min 15 sec.
︎Dorine Aguerre, DO NOT CROSS, 2015. HD video, 3 min 14 sec.
︎Jane Topping, Peter, 2014. SD video, 29 min 55 sec.
︎Josie Rae Turnbull, Glaucoma’s Moat, 2015. 8mm transferred to digital, 4 min 55 sec.
︎Miles Joseph, After_001, 2016. HD video, 1 min 26 sec.
︎Lucie Rachel, Mother Father, 2015. HD video, 11 min 47 sec.