Uncanny Loop: New Habitats
Morwenna Kearsley, Yuri Pattison, Emily Richardson, Jon Schorstein, Deborah Stratman
27 August 2017, 7.30pm
Crossing the Line, Glasgow Film Theatre
£9.50/7.50 (concessions), tickets via GFT

Uncanny Loop: New Habitats is the inaugural screening event in Transit Arts’ newly established Uncanny Loop programme. This event begins the process of mapping hauntological space through the moving image and features work from Deborah Stratman (USA), Yuri Pattison (IRE), Morwenna Kearsley (UK), Emily Richardson (UK), and Jon Schorstein (UK). Six selected works describe a reconstituted form of eeriness embedded within our metropolitan sites of work and leisure that offer security, individualism, and hermetic living.
Uncanny Loop connects the contemporary urban experience with the Gothic mode and historical conceptions of ‘the uncanny’. An unfolding anthology of spaces shaped by evolving social and economic forces, this film programme proposes a reinterpretation of the haunted house as something much closer to home. The second iteration of the programme, Uncanny Loop: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, will take place on 8th September at CCA Glasgow as part of Scalarama 2017.
Curated by Marcus Jack for Transit Arts with the support of LUX and National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive. Uncanny Loop: New Habitats is part of Glasgow Film Theatre’s Crossing the Line strand.
View the programme notes here︎︎︎
︎Deborah Stratman, It Will Die Out in the Mind, 2006. 16mm transferred to digital, 3 min 50 sec.
︎Jon Schorstein, KH-4, c.1969. 16mm transferred to digital, 12 min 41 sec.
︎Emily Richardson, Block, 2005. 16mm transferred to digital, 12 min.
︎Morwenna Kearsley, The Ethereal Wireless of the Dreaming Mind, 2017. HD Video, 25 min 20 sec.
︎Yuri Pattison, 1014, 2015. HD Video, 10 min 22 sec.
︎Deborah Stratman, In order not to be here, 2002. 16mm transferred to digital, 33 min.